How To Make Dorks

                  <===How To Make Dorks or use Dorks===>

Every one Konw how to use google search engine even children can easily use google search engine.But the thing is that how efficiently we can make use of Google dorks are nothing but simple search operators that are used to refine our search. okay lets suppose that you wanna search for ebooks on topic 'networking' , our obvious search queries would be like this "HTMLebooks", "free ebooks for HTML" etc,we keep going into the websites, clicking on link after links and then get proper downling links. Now lets do the same search in a different way , type on google "ext:pdf HTML" <without quotes>
and see what you get in results,google returned direct downloading links of ebooks on HTML that is files with extension pdf.
I hope you have got an idea of google dorks or google search operators.

Here is a List of basic search oprators:

1. site will return the links of webpages of  domain upload will return all the webpages of domain which contain word 'upload'.
Suppose you want google to return only government websites,
you can use site:gov or say indian websites use site:in

2.intitle and allintitle -
intitle:admin will return only those pages whose title contains word 'admin'.
intitle:admin login will return only those pages whose title contains word 'admin' and word 'login' can be in anywhere in page.
allintitle:admin login will return those pages whose title contains both words admin and login.

3.inurl and allinurl
inurl:adminlogin will return only those pages whose URL contains  'adminlogin'.
 Like allintitle, you can similarly use allinurl.
exp: inurl:admin login or allinurl:adminlogin

It returns the cached webpage that is kept with google., this dork is useful very when actually the website is down and
you can still view its contents (from cached pages).

You can use 'filteype' at place of 'ext'.
ext:ppt hacking - this will return  powerpoint presentations (ppt files) on topic 'hacking'.
ext:doc hacking - this will return microsoft word files on topic 'hacking'
Extensions that google supports are pdf,swf,rtf,doc,ppt,dwf,ps,kml,kmz,xls,db.

It returns the websites similar to specified websites.
exp: . This search query would return results containing websites which provide such kind of services. like hacking tut , now provides services to maintain anonymity using proxies.This search query would return results containing websites which provide services related to proxies.

NOTE:you can combine these search operators for example inurl:adminlogin will return the government site webpages who have word 'adminlogin' in URL.


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