Installing TOR browser

What is Tor?

Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security. This guide guides your through installing tor in Kali Linux.

Installing Tor in Kali Linux:

Step1: Downloading and Running Tor bundle
After Downloading the architecture-appropriate file above, save it anywhere, then run one of the following two commands to extract the package archive

Step 2:TO extract the Package use this command in terminal
tar -xvzf tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-2.3.25-15-dev-LANG.tar.gz

If you useing 64-bit version use this Command

tar -xvzf tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-2.3.25-16-dev-LANG.tar.gz

Step 3:Once that’s done, switch to the Tor browser directory by running

Step 4:To run the Tor Browser Bundle, execute the start-tor-browser script:


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