What is 'write-protection'?

'Write protection' is a type of security measure which places a 'lock' on digital files. The locking action prevents modifications from being made to the stored data, and is a simple way to avoid changes being made to important files without your permission. So far, so logical; but occasionally these security measures can backfire, essentially locking you out of your own home.
Write-protection is often a physical (rather than a virtual) security measure; lifting it usually involves flicking a switch on the mass storage device. The trick is to first find the switch, and or to change the virtual settings on your computer to accept the physical changes.

Insert the memory stick into the computer
Step 1:Go to My Computer and under Devices with Removable Storage look for your card reader
Step 2:Right-click on it and click Properties In the pop-up box, sometimes there's an option to Remove write-protection. Change the status of this option and try again.

Still not working??

Remove your memory stick from the drive
Step 1:Click Start > Run... In the box type regedit and press OK
Step 2:A new window will appear. Goto:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies
Step 3:If you can't locate StorageDevicePolicies then you will need to create this folder
Step 4:Right-click on Control and click on New > Key. Name this StorageDevicePolicies
Step 5:Right-click on the new folder you created called StorageDevicePolicies and click New >DWORD Value.
Step 6:Name this WriteProtect
Step 7:Double-click on Write Protect and change the Value Data to 0 and then click OK
Step 8:Close the Registry Editor and insert the memory stick into your computer

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